Friday 15 June 2012

Amon Speculations

 These are my reasons why no one that we know in the Avatar universe can be Amon:

Before we get into my list I bet we can all cross out the fact of Amon being a girl, a bender of the four native elements or any character in team avatar or enemies of. We can conclude that Amon lived on a farm in the Earth Kingdom so he can't be native to the air nomads or the water tribe. (A look at his eye will show you the pale skin next to it.) There is a link with the picture. So lets start with the list. Even though I stated it couldn't have been certain people I will still put them down and put a good reason. So lets start! :::::

Avatar Aang: First of all Amon would have the tattoos on his arm and hands, also he had blue/brown eyes not yellowish brown like Amons. He has bending abilities and would not hurt innocent lives. Also Aang has been pronounced dead by the reincarnation of the Avatar spirit AS A WHOLE into Korra, Katara stated he has passed, Tenzin and many others also. So it's certain that Aang is not Amon, also they have diffrent names...

Katara: Is native to the water tribe, a girl and has a bending ability. To elderly to perform the tasks of Amon and is waaay to nice to to such things.

Sokka: Was pronounced dead by Katara and would be to old. Also is native to the water tribe.

Toph: Is a girl, can bend and her parents were never killed by firebenders, also she lived in a estate and not a farm. Is dead and has a daugther: Lin Beifong.

Bumi (Aang+Katara's son): He is a non-bender but was not native to the Earth Kingdom and his parents were not killed by a firebender, also he is very old like (50-70).

Kya (Aang and Katara's daughter): She is a waterbender and is the same age as Bumi (Roughly) also she has 1 live parent and has none killed by firebenders.

Tenzin (Another one of Aang's sons): Yes, Tenzin can be in two places at once, like a boss.

So in conclusion Amon=Amon a new character who will be awesome or he is the Cabbage guy!

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