Friday 15 June 2012

Episode 7: The Aftermath

Tarrlok calls for Lin Beifong's dismissal as chief of police after Amon's attack on the pro-bending arena. Mako and Bolin move into the Sato mansion. While visiting them, Korra overhears a phone call and suspects that Hiroshi Sato is colluding with the Equalists. She informs Chief Beifong and Tenzin, who launch an investigation but find no evidence. A mysterious source tells Korra that Sato has a secret factory under his mansion used to manufacture weapons for the Equalists. When Korra, Tenzin, and Beifong discover the secret factory, they are attacked by Equalists using mecha-like combat robots built by Sato. Beifong's metalbending police are captured and taken to Amon, but Mako, Bolin, and Asami arrive in time to rescue Korra, Tenzin, and Beifong. Beifong intends to resign her post and to rescue her officers "outside of the law", and Korra offers Mako, Bolin, and Asami residency on Tenzin's Air Temple Island.

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