Wednesday 13 June 2012

In the Beginning

Hello everyone,
      Allow me to present myself, I'm Alexander the owner and main publisher (For now) of the best un-official blog on the hot or let me say, cool topic of Korra. If you are new to the Avatar universe allow me to explain to you the depths and teachings I have to share, but all you got to do is ask, sit back and read. Now I'm visioning a blog filled with people but obviously I'm the only one who's ever going to read this! :P But I got to stay focused at the task this blog brings me, a long 26 episode journey I want to cover with you guys and anything else planned in the future like a 3rd season. Oh, yes before I forget, all of you must leave comments and thats a rule, without your input I will never better my knowledge and who knows we may learn some cool intresting, and new things from eachother. So I'm going to get started by uploading a video of episode 1 or just posting a link, after watching it I'll discuss it.

      I want to talk a lot about the new series because I feel that I need to let out my ideas and speculations of things to come also I'm very excited for episode 10 coming out tommorow here in Canada, I just finished seeing the trailer/spoiler thing for the episode and I know for sure there will be some juicy Korra/Avatar gossip in it and can't wait!

Until about 5 minutes,
- Alex the first internet-bender.

Episode 1:
You can find it asily on google, but be careful on these sites because you may get viruses so only click the video. If you have a mac you can get a virus too so don't be a sassy pants I'm better than you person, ok?

So see you all later...

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